Interesting Read : How New Instagram Algorithm Works
The new Instagram algorithm has finally arrived, and Instagram is opening up to explain just how the algorithm chooses what photos and...

Tales By Light
"Tales By Light" in 2 Parts. Tate Modern, London, August 2018 Now available as prints.

Look Right
"Look Right". London, August 2018 Now available as a print

Divine Creations, or AFROPUNK 2018
It's not a secret that AFROPUNK festival is my favorite in New York. I couldn't miss this year as well (been there 3 years in a row now)...

Eldalieee Мне приснилось небо Лондона В нем приснился долгий поцелуй Мы летели там по облакам Кто же из нас первый упадет Вдребезги на...