Blue Series
This new series is a second chapter of my colors series (first one was dedicated to color Red - you can see it here). This one is...

Award Winning Photo, 3rd Place
"We save great content from Instagram's forgetfulness and make them"forever" printed in a book." (14&15 Awards) OMG, I am incredibly...

How I Met My Inspiration, And He Didn't Even Know About This
As you probably know, I am obsessed with Street Photography genre. This is probably one of very few activities that help my mind rest and...

"Bomb Cyclone", or First Big Blizzard of 2018
I had to work from home yesterday during the so-called "bomb cyclone" (or simply another winter blizzard), which gave me an opportunity...

2018. Red Series
Happy New Year! Starting new year with a thematic series of photographs that somehow ended up all having color Red in them . If I like...

Me by Alexander McMichael
Photos by Alexander McMichael.

Best 15 New York City Shots of 2017 - My Own Selection LOL
In the age of social media , there is so much information around and everything seems to be so easily forgettable. We scroll through our...

Metro Diner : Where Time Stops
One of my favorite spots to shoot - Metro Diner at the corner of Broadway and 100th Street. You can read more about it here but - if you...