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Today, on my actual birthday (January 24th), I am happy to announce that third chapter of my Timeless series called TIMELESS AMERICA is now out! Now as a 132-pages MAGAZINE!

All images in the magazine were taken between January and December 2018. You will see images from New York City, State of New Mexico, from Miami, Florida, and San Francisco, CA.

What is different this time from first two chapters is that the format of MAGAZINE and not a mini-book, allowed me to include much more images - 132 instead of 40-50 which was due to pricing considerations. And I am very excited about it because 2018 was an extremely good year for me in terms of photography and I got a lot of shots, and wanted to include as many as possible.

Please get your copy of my Magazine in my STORE and thanks for all the ongoing support!

You can see a preview of the book in the video below! Please enjoy!

Thank you all,

Eldar aka Eldalieee

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